Carrier Classic 2012

Carrier Classic 2012
Even though the game wasn't played Marquette has this photo to remember their day on a battleship.


We Dodged a Bullet from Joe Streator

MU 93 Northern Colorado 72

How can I say that when freshman Todd Mayo lead the team in scoring and tied for second in rebounds and assists. Cadougan had nine assists (I am still not on his bandwagon), Gardner missed one shot and one free throw out of nine not only showing that if he can get a shot away he will either make it or get fouled and lets not forget his five rebounds
(pretty good for a slow almost 300 pounder). Vander Blue has what is becoming his usual good game and Crowder got his double double and even Jamil Wilson showed signs of life.  We'll see how everyone does as this year ends with LSU, UWM, and Vandy and 2012 begins with Villanova.

Conspicuous by his absence was Darius Johnson-Odom.  Last year we took some hits with some 'extracurricular' activities by at least a couple of the players.  Lots of controversy whenever he said/she said is involved and Marquette was not much different than many other good programs in how they handled the situations.  (It's always easy to say things should have been different when looking through a rear view mirror, but I also think it is time for people to scream at their representatives in Congress, whether the federal or state level, for passing laws that look good on paper but are really shoddy when one considers all the resources available in the state or the nation's capital.)  I think we are now getting a glimpse of what went on behind the scenes last year with both Cadougan and DJO missing games this year for disciplinary reasons.

There certainly can be little doubt any more that the AD took the hit for Buzz and the program.  Buzz did a good job on the court but discipline was lax for off the court adventures.  So...he (and basically the program) dodged a big bullet and when given a chance to change, he has changed and the University appears to be willing to be more proactive.

The future looks bright all around.

Merry Christmas everyone,

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