Carrier Classic 2012

Carrier Classic 2012
Even though the game wasn't played Marquette has this photo to remember their day on a battleship.


What To Call The New League?

By Michael Hunt of the Journal Sentinel 12-13-12 5:47PM

Marquette leaving the Big East to form a new basketball-centric league is a done deal.

The announcement could come as early as Friday.

Marquette, 6 Others Make Plans To Split From Big East

By Michael Hunt of the Journal Sentinel 12-13-12

At some point between Thursday and early next week, Marquette and six other Catholic basketball-centric schools will separate from the Big East, according to multiple sources.


Marquette Ponders Future As Big East Evolves

by Michael Hunt of the Journal-Sentinel  12-12-12

As the Big East continues to fragment into unrecognizable and far-flung pieces, membership in what has become a lower-tier conference may no longer have appeal for basketball schools such as Marquette.

But whether Marquette could make a go of it in a basketball-only league is the question no one can answer at the moment.

Big East Catholic Schools Wake Up?

By Dana O'Neil,   December 11, 2012

Finally, the Big East -- the true essence of the league, not the ramshackle Ellis Island it has currently become -- is doing something.

After years of having their fate decided for them, the seven Catholic basketball-playing schools gathered with commissioner Mike Aresco in New York on Sunday to discuss their options, according to published reports confirmed and detailed by ESPN's Andy Katz and Brett McMurphy.

Mayo Coming Back? Not So Fast

by Michael Hunt of the Journal-Sentinel 12-12-12

Sophomore guard Todd Mayo, who was declared academically ineligible before the season began, posted Wednesday on his Facebook account that he is on his way back to rejoining the team:

"Did great on my finals, one more to go which is an easy one for me. so it's looking like the 17th of the month I will be back yezzir, Might get an early Christmas Gift. Thanks everyone for their support."

Big East Fate Vexes Catholic Schools

By Andy Katz and Brett McMurphy,  December 11, 2012

The seven Big East Catholic, non-FBS schools met with Big East commissioner Mike Aresco on Sunday to express their concerns for the direction of the conference, multiple Big East sources confirmed to on Monday.

Sources said the New York meeting was the first among the seven schools (Marquette, DePaul, St. John's, Georgetown, Providence, Seton Hall and Villanova) and ultimately could lead to them splitting from the Big East's football members.

Big East Split Fits Marquette's Thoughts

by Michael Hunt of the Journal-Sentinel 12-11-12

News that the seven Big East schools that do not play FBS are thinking about splitting from the Big East coincides with what Marquette has been thinking all along.

With so many big-name defections from the Big East, the Golden Eagles have been seeing their future in a basketball-only league.